Workers are deserve equity, a living wage, adequate housing, medical care, and food without personal cost as these are basic human rights. We recognize the disabled as valuable members of the working class. Human rights should be the primary focus of governance.


Northeast Pennsylvania Local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America is a sub-chapter of National Democratic Socialists of America dedicated to fixing destructive systemic issues caused by Capitalism and the “everyone for themselves’ approach to the Political System and economy. We believe that no member of the working class should be without functional housing, adequate compensation well above the minimum wage, accessible and affordable healthcare, the right to a democratic work place via unions for employees, and embolden overall workers rights to be equal to human rights.

For far too long have Board of Directors and CEOs prioritized increasing their profits over the working class that make it all happen under a guise of patriotism to ensure loyalty to management and the overall company. We should have more time to spend with our families and doing things that bring us joy.

We have various Committees dedicated to Mutual Aid, Electoral, Labor Organizing, Medicare for All, Reproductive Rights, Technology with staff that works directly with DSA’s National Tech Committee, and Tenet’s Rights. As our organization is ran democratically, we will be establishing more working groups as our membership increases.

Membership is open to all who side with left wing philosophies and is a great way for leftists and those that support our ideals to get involved in local and state government from advocacy to running for political office. Dues paid to National are broken down with a portion of the dues paid sent directly to our chapter.

Together we can break the clutches of capitalism on impoverished working class comrades here in Northeast Pennsylvania.

Workers rights are human rights, rights that are often ignored and cast away by neo-liberal capitalists in both the Republican and Democratic parties. We teach people how to stand up for themselves, form unions, and establish equity in their workplace. We organize with both the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) as well as Unions covered by AFL-CIO. Recently NEPA DSA’s Solidarity Captains helped organize around the potential UPS Teamsters Strike in August and rallied the support of our NEPA Community.

climate sign outside blur
Photo by Markus Spiske

Our Mission

Northeastern Pennsylvania Democratic Socialists of America is committed to bringing equitable change to our region’s social dynamic, to correct systemic failures that hinder all, and for the enhancement of the working class by the working class.

Our members work on a plethora of projects locally and nationally to fight for rights of immigrants and other marginalized groups, the disabled and more. We proudly support Black Lives Matter and we work hand in hand activist groups that raise a voice for the same. We have a close working relationship with other civil rights organizations such as the NAACP.